Javascript Basic Coding Introduction Practice assignments
Working with Linear Data Structures Arrays
- write a script to print all array values in the console.
- For the Given array: [23,34,54,0,4,7] print all the Array values using a for loop. Expected output: 23 34 54 0 4 7
- print all numbers in an array except the first element. Expected output: 34 54 0 4 7
- Print all elements in an array except the last element Expected output: 23 34 54 0 4
- Print all the numbers from last index to first index Expected output: 7 4 0 54 34 23
- Print all the numbers from last index to first index except the first element Expected output: 4 0 54 34 23
- Print all the numbers from last index to first index except the last element Expected output: 7 4 0 54 34
- Print only the last 4 elements of an array. Expected output: 54 0 4 7
- For the Given array: [23,34,54,10,4,7] print the minimum number in an Array. Expected output: 4
- For the Given array: [23,34,54,10,4,7] print the Maximum number in an array. Expected output: 54
- For the Given array: [23,34,54,10,4,7] sum of all the numbers in an Array. Expected output: 132
- For the Given array: [23,34,54,10,4,7] Average of all the numbers in an Array. Expected output: 22
- For the Given array: [23,34,54,10,4,7] print values that are greater than the given number. Given number: 20, Expected output: 23,34,54
- For the Given array: [23,34,54,10,4,7] print all the even numbers in an Array. Expected output: 34,54,10,4
- For the Given array: [23,34,54,10,4,7] print all the odd numbers in an Array. Expected output: 23,7
- For the Given array: [23,-34,-54,10,-4,7] print all the positive numbers in an array. Expected output: 23,10,7
- For the Given array: [23,34,54,10,4,7] search if the given number is there in an array or not. Given number: 34, Expected output: true Given number: 26, Expected output: false
- For the Given array: [23,34,54,10,34,7,23,10,34] print the total number of times an element found in the array. Given number: 23, Expected output: 2 Given number: 34, Expected output: 3 Given number: 10, Expected output: 2 Given number: 54, Expected output: 1
- For the Given array: [23,34,54,10,4,7] print index of a given element in an Array. Given number: 23, Expected output: 0 Given number: 34, Expected output: 1 Given number: 10, Expected output: 3 Given number: 54, Expected output: 2
- For the Given array: [23,34,54,10,34,7,23,10,34] eliminate duplicates in a given array Expected output: 23,34,54,10,7
- a program to store an array into another array var ar = [23,34,54,10,4,7] var br = [ ] Expected output: br = [23,34,54,10,4,7]
- Sort an array in ascending order. Given array: [23,34,54,10,4,7] Expected output: 4,7,10,23,34,54
- Reduce the each element of the array by 25% and store in a separate array.
- Store only even numbers of a given array in another array.
- create a duplicate array for a given array.
- Eliminate duplicates from a array
- print only the perfect squares in an array
- Print only the 2 digit numbers from an array
- Print only multiples of 5 from an array
- Print only multiples of 2 AND 3 from an array
- Print only multiples of 3 OR 5 from an array
- Increment 5% for all the salaries in a given array
- For every basic salary present in the array, add 40% HRA, 92% DA, 10% Tax and display the final output
- For every salary, deduct 10% tax for salaries less than 50000 and deduct 12% tax for salaries more than 50000
- Print only those odd numbers in a given array which are divisible by 3.
- Insert first 10 odd numbers in an empty array(for and while).
- Print the elements present in the second half of the array.
- Print the greatest of all 2-digit numbers present in an array.
- Write a program to remove elements from an array which are not in the ascending order Ex: Original array: [12,34,11,56,37,98,23,67,109,45] Output : [12,34,56,98,109]
- Write a program to sort the array based on the number of occurrences of elements Ex: original array: [1,2,5,6,2,1,6,1,2,6,2,1,2]; After the logic: [5,6,6,6,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2]; //5 occurred one time,6 three times,1 occurred 4 times, 2 occurred 5 times
var ar = [19,12,23,4,15]; var br = [26,37,18,79,10]; a)Write script to merge array as the values of ar in the first and values of br next Expected output: [19,12,23,4,15,26,37,18,79,10]; b)Write script to merge array as the values of ar in the first and values of br next Expected output: [26,37,18,79,10,19,12,23,4,15];
var ar = [1,2,3,7,8,9]; var br = [4,5,6]; Expected output: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];
- insert An Element Desired or Specific Position In An Array
- Remove Duplicates Items In An Array
- Delete Element From Array At Desired Or Specific Position
- Check String Is Palindrome Or Not Using For Loop
- Convert All Input String Simultaneously Into Asterisk ( * )
- Read and print elements of the array. – using recursion.
- Print all negative elements in an array.
- Sum of all array elements. – using recursion.
- Find a maximum and minimum element in an array. – using recursion.
- Get the second largest element in an array.
- Count the total number of even and odd elements in an array.
- Count the total number of negative elements in an array.
- Copy all elements from an array to another array.
- Insert an element in an array.
- Delete an element from an array at the specified position.
- Count frequency of each element in an array.
- Print all unique elements in the array.
- Count the total number of duplicate elements in an array.
- Delete all duplicate elements from an array.
- Merge two arrays to the third array.
- Find the reverse of an array.
- Put even and odd elements of an array in two separate arrays.
- Search an element in an array.
- Sort array elements in ascending or descending order.
- Sort even and odd elements of the array separately.
- Right rotate an array. Working with Object Literals
Given an object:
var person = { "firstName" : "Harry", "lastName" : "Potter", "age": 30, "gender": "male", "skill" : "ReactJS", "expertise": "Beginner" };
- Print the firstname.
- Print the lastname.
- Print the fullname("Harry Potter").
- If the age is less than 18, then print "false". If the age is more than 18, then print "true".
For the given marks object solve the following
var marks = { "maths" : 34, "english" : 56, "science": 32, "hindi" : 75, "social science": 65 };
- Print the marks of all the subjects.
- Print the names of all the subjects from the given object.
- Count the number of subjects from the given object.
- Print the percentage of the marks of the student.
- Print only those subjects where the student scored more than 35.
- Print the pass/fail status of the subjects provided 35 is the pass mark.
- Print only the passed subjects.
- Count the number of passed subjects.
- Print only the failed subjects.
- Count the number of failed subjects.
- Print the least scored subject.
- Print the highest scored subject.
- Check whether the student has passed in all the subjects or not.
- Take the subject name from the student through prompt box and print the subject marks and pass/fail status.
Write a program to merge two objects using the following methods:
- Object.assign()
- loop
- Destructuring(after learning ES6)
var obj1 = { "name": "Edupoly", "location": "Hyderabad" } var obj2 = { "employees": 10, "type": "Training Institute" } Expected output: var org = { "name": "Edupoly", "location": "Hyderabad", "employees": 10, "type": "Training Institute" }
For the given Object Solve the following
var products = [ { "name": "Duracell - AAA Batteries (4-Pack)", "type": "HardGood", "price": 5.49, "category": "Household Batteries", "manufacturer": "Duracell", }, { "name": "Hard Rock TrackPak - Mac", "type": "Software", "price": 29.99, "category": "Recording Equipment", "manufacturer": "Hal Leonard", }, { "name": "Duracell - AA 1.5V CopperTop Batteries (4-Pack)", "type": "HardGood", "price": 5.62, "category": "Household Batteries", "manufacturer": "Duracell", }, { "name": "Energizer - MAX Batteries AA (4-Pack)", "type": "HardGood", "price": 5.32, "category": "Household Batteries", "manufacturer": "Energizer", }, { "name": "METRA - Antenna Cable Adapter - Black", "type": "HardGood", "price": 13.99, "category": "Antennas & Adapters", "manufacturer": "Metra", }, { "name": "WipeDrive Six - Mac|Windows", "type": "Software", "price": 23.99, "category": "Maintenance Software", "manufacturer": "White Canyon", } ];
- Print all the product names.
- Print all the hardgoods.
- Print all the softwares.
- Print all the categories.
- Print only the products manufactured by Duracell.
- Print the product names in ascending order of their prices.
- Print only those products whose price is more than 14.99.
- Print only those products whose price is less than 9.99.
- Print the total price of all the hardgoods.
- Print the average price of the softwares.
var people = [ { "firstname": "praveen", "lastname": "gubbala", "age": 36, "gender": "male", "city": "hyd", "salary": 10000 }, { "firstname": "srikanth", "lastname": "gubbala", "age": 32, "gender": "male", "city": "bengaluru", "salary": 20000 }, { "firstname": "pradeep", "lastname": "reddy", "age": 21, "gender": "male", "city": "hyd", "salary": 25000 }, { "firstname": "mounika", "lastname": "mudiraj", "age": 20, "gender": "female", "city": "nalgonda", "salary": 30000 }, { "firstname": "nikhil", "lastname": "m", "age": 22, "gender": "male", "city": "guntur", "salary": 2000 }, { "firstname": "riya", "lastname": "bhadouria", "age": 14, "gender": "female", "city": "indore", "salary": 40000 } ];
- Print all the firstnames.
- Print all the full names.
- Print only those names whose age is more than 25.
- Print all female names.
- Print only those names whose salary is more than 25000 and increase their salaries by 15%.
- Using prompt, print only those names whose city is "hyd".
- Print the total salary of all the people.
- Print all the female names.
- Print all the firstnames whose salary is more than 25000.
- Using prompt, print all names whose city is "hyd".
- Print all the fullnames in the alphabetical order.
- Print all the fullnames in the increasing order of their age.
- Print all the fullnames in the reverse alphabetical order.
- Print all the fullnames in the decreasing order of their salaries.
- Print all the cities in which the people live. There should not be any duplicate cities.
- Print all the male names whose age is greater than 25.
- Print all names that starts with "p" and the firstname should be in UPPERCASE. e.g. PRAVEEN gubbala.
Working with Strings
- Find the first occurrence of a character in a given string.
- Find the last occurrence of a character in a given string.
- Search all occurrences of a character in a given string.
- Count occurrences of a character in a given string.
- Find the highest frequency character in a string.
- Find the lowest frequency character in a string.
- Count the frequency of each character in a string.
- Remove the first occurrence of a character from a string.
- Remove the last occurrence of a character from a string.
- Delete all occurrences of a character from a string.
- Remove all repeated characters from a given string.
- Replace the first occurrence of a character with another in a string.
- Replace the last occurrence of a character with another in a string.
- Put all occurrences of a character with another in a string.
- Find the first occurrence of a word in a given string.
- Find the last occurrence of a word in a given string.
- Search all occurrences of a word in a given string.
- Count occurrences of a word in a given string.
- Remove the first occurrence of a word from the string.
- Remove the last occurrence of a word in a given string.
- Delete all occurrence of a word in a given string.
- A Trim leading white space characters from a given string.
- Trim trailing white space characters from a given string.
- Trim both leading and trailing white space characters from a given string.
- Remove all extra blank spaces from the given string.
- A String is Palindrome or Not
- A String Is an Anagram or Not
- Find the length of a string.
- Copy one string to another string.
- Concatenate two strings.
- Compare two strings.
- Convert lowercase string to uppercase.
- Convert uppercase string to lowercase.
- Toggle case of each character of a string.
- Find a total number of alphabets, digits or special character in a string.
- Count the total number of vowels and consonants in a string.
- Count the total number of words in a string.
- Find the reverse of a string.
- Check whether a string is a palindrome or not.
- Reverse order of words in a given string.
- Reverse of a number using toString, split, reverse and join methods.
- Elimination of zeroes from a given number.
- Find the number of digits of a given number using toString() and length property
- Write a program to take a string and print only the numeric characters using. Example: Input->‘Q1STR5684AK’; Output->‘15684’
- Search for a given number in an array
- Print the number of words in a given string
- Remove the single spaces from a given sentence
- remove all the spaces from a given string
- Search a given string in a sentence(both uppercase and lowercase)
- Write a program to convert a sample sentence string into an array of all the words in the sentence. Example: Input->‘Hello World’; Output->[‘Hello’,‘World’]
- Write a program to eliminate all numeric characters from a string. Example: Input->‘Q1STR5684A’; Output-> ‘QSTRAK’
- Write a program to take a string and print only the numeric characters. Example: Input->‘Q1STR5684AK’; Output->‘15684’
- Write a program to take a string and print the number of characters in the string. Example: Input->‘Hello’; Output->5
- Write a program to take a 16-digit credit card number and replace the first 12 characters with ‘X’. Example:Input->‘9765143265387960’; Output->‘XXXXXXXXXXXX7960’
- Write a program to take a string and replace all vowels with ‘8’. Example: Input->‘This is awesome’; Output->‘Th8s 8s 8w8s8m8’
- Write a program to hide the middle six digits of a phone number. Example: Input-> '9876543210'; Output-> '98XXXXXX10'
- Append the calling code of India(+91) to a given phone number. Example: Input-> '9876543210'; Output-> '+919876543210'
Check whether a given number is a valid phone number.
Example:Input-> '7654893274'; Output-> 'valid' Input-> '785487438754'; Output-> 'invalid'.........(must be 10 digits) Input-> '7854s54839'; Output-> 'invalid'.............(must NOT contain letters)
Check whether a given number is a valid credit card number. Example:
Example: Input-> '7463836483647454'; Output-> 'valid' Input-> '74638364836474548'; Output-> 'invalid'...(must be 16 digits) Input-> '7463836w4836o745'; Output-> 'invalid'...(must contain only numbers)
Write a program to add hyphens (-) in between a given credit card number.
Example: Input-> '6484638463487486'; Output-> '6484-6384-6348-7486'
Sort a given string
Example: ‘praveen’=>’aeenprv’
Eliminate Duplicate characters in given string
Example: ‘praveengubbala’ => ‘pravengubl’
Write a program to print only numbers out of a given string
Example: let us take pr34s2v9q4 The output should be 3,4,2,9,4