
Text formatting

  1. Element

    Create an HTML file and add a heading tag(h1) which displays "Welcome to HTML world".

  2. Attribute

    Create a heading tag(h1) with some text(for example "Welcome to HTML World") and use the title attribute to display some text (for example "its a great journey") when we put our mouse over the heading text.

  3. Nested elements

    Create an h1 tag with some text and horizontally align it at centre by nesting the h1 element in a center element.

  4. Page title

    Create an HTML page and add a title element in the head section with some text so that it appears in the tab as shown in the image.

  5. Basic text formatting

    Create an HTML file and create headings from h1 to h6 with some text.

  6. Advanced text formatting

    Create a webpage using b,i,sup,sub,center elements as shown in the image.

  7. Blockquotes

    Create a webpage as shown in the image using proper heading elements and blockquote elements.

  8. Text formatting using pre

    Create a webpage and display some content using the pre element as shown in the image.